11th June 2021 (From India Today) The Madras High court has asked the Tamil Nadu state government to consider allowing government educational institutions to be adopted by the public sector or private industries to improve the quality of education given in government schools.
While hearing a writ petition in a case about service conditions for faculty to get promoted as headmasters, the court observed that the quality of education in government schools and the infrastructure of these schools are inferior. The court also noted that many government school teachers are not dedicated to imparting quality education to children. The court also noted that not all teachers are erring and that many good teachers are devoted to their profession.
While hearing a writ petition in a case about service conditions for faculty to get promoted as headmasters, the court observed that the quality of education in government schools and the infrastructure of these schools are inferior. The court also noted that many government school teachers are not dedicated to imparting quality education to children. The court also noted that not all teachers are erring and that many good teachers are devoted to their profession.